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Results ({{totalRows().toLocaleString('en-US')}} records)
Filtered by {{selectedAgencyText}} / {{selectedComponentText}} / {{selectedPositionText}} / Career Appointment (CA) Limited Emergency Appointment (EA) Noncareer Appointment (NA) Presidential Appt without Senate Confirmation (PA) Presidential Appt with Senate Confirmation (PAS) Schedule C Excepted Appointment (SC) Limited Term Appointment (TA) Appointment Excepted by Statute (XS) / Vacant Positions Filled Positions and the search term {{textFilter}}
There are no results. Please try updating filters and/or search terms.
{{agency.transformAgencyName}} / {{component.transformComponentName}}
There are currently no positions within this component.
Position Title | Name of Incumbent (ID) | Location | Type of Appt. | Pay Plan | Level, Grade, or Pay | Tenure | Expiration |
({{}}) Vacant | {{position.transformLocation}} | {{position.typeOfAppointment}} | {{position.payPlan}} | {{position.levelGradePay}} | {{position.tenure}} | {{position.transformExpirationDate}} |