Office of the General Counsel
Matter of: [claimant]
File Number: 01-0006
[claimant's name and address]
Re: Claim No. 00-0018
Dear [claimant[:
This responds to your August 9, 2000 claim, which you filed with the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). You requested review and consideration of your claim for restoration of compensatory leave. In a September 7, 2000 letter to you, I determined that we could not accept your claim until after your agency had denied the claim. You responded to me in an October 16, 2000 letter and stated that you had attempted to get a response from your agency to no avail. Therefore, you requested that we accept your claim.
We agreed to do so and immediately requested information on your claim from your employing agency. Since that time, your agency has rendered a decision on your claim. In a letter dated December 14, 2000, they have determined that 104 hours of compensatory time should be restored to you. A copy of this letter is enclosed.
Based on this information, we are closing our files concerning your claim. We appreciate the opportunity to be of assistance to you in this matter.
Melissa A. Drummond
Program Manager
cc: [agency name and address]